Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Time to share another testimonial as to You University and what it has done for me.

I was blessed to experience a very deep and profound healing through You University.  I received a phone call from a friend who wanted to tell me about a call she received from a relative of mine.

This relative is an Aunt, my dads sister and my godmother as well. We have a rocky history, filled with many attempts from her to cause total chaos and pain in my life. I have forgiven her several times only to be on the receiving end of her attacks against me time and time again.

I have never understood why she does this or what I did to make her hate me and want to see my life in shambles. This is no exaggeration, as she told me point blank while looking directly at me with hatred in her eyes that she will make it her life's  mission to F$#@ my life up! To make matters worse my dad chose to defend her for many years and believe the nasty lies she told him.

To get back to the phone call, I was informed by my friend of her demand that I be evicted from my home so her brother who is moving back to Michigan could live here. She failed in her attempt despite bashing me and spreading more lies to my landlord and friend.

This is where I get excited to share with you the amazing healing and growth I have and am experiencing through You University.  In the past, this phone call would've sent me into a downward emotional spiral. I would have been very angry, hurt and upset and it would've lasted for days and sometimes weeks!

Not this time, I realized upon hanging up that by getting upset and reacting the way I normally did, I was giving her power over me!! I felt nothing, I was able to let it go with no problems. I vowed to myself to never allow her to affect me in anyway again. I felt a strong and profound sense of empowerment and awareness. This alone speaks volumes for the healing and growth taking place on this Journey through You University. 

I cannot say enough about this training program, this program allows you to rid yourself of any and all emotional garbage from your past or present. It helps you to get back to the real you, your true self-that person you have always been but lost along the way! You go through this program and learn tools and techniques that you will use for the rest of your life, ones that truly help and really work towards dealing with situations you are stuck in, don't want to be in, etc... I haven't even touched on the people, the support I have been given, the true friendships I have developed, just all around awesome people who can relate to me, understand my situations and life experience's, as I have said before they get me!

What's more, I firmly believe to be an effective Life Coach you need to have gone through the training, utilize the tools and techniques that you will be using with your clients and continue to do so. That's what makes You University stand out above the other Life Coach programs I researched. It is very thorough and you actually feel and see the results starting with yourself first!!

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